
The field of Organization is one of the four core elements of the classical business economist. Organization can be divided into two areas, one is concerned with Internal Organization, the other with External Organization. ESAA offers education in the former field.

Internal Organization
Internal organization is concerned with, amongst other things, shaping an organizational structure, implementing the desired culture and shaping and providing substance to performance measurement. In addition to these purely internal issues, it is also necessary to consider the environment of the corporation. Furthermore, regulations imposed by the government partly determine the design of the internal organization. Structures and systems must be constructed in a way which meets all the government requirements.

External Organization
For External Organization it is essential to ask questions and obtain the answers concerned with the positioning of the value chain, the degree of vertical or horizontal integration and which (un)manageable risks are associated with the position in the chain. The modern business economist is aware of such issues and has the capabilities to deal with these issues in order to guarantee business continuity.

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Enterprise with Organisation-related activities:

ESAA (EGI, Erasmus Governance Instituut)
Website ESAA


Program for Supervisory directors and Supervisors

Masterclass Long term valuecreation for Supervisory directors and Supervisors

Executive Program: The Brain in the Boardroom


Read here different articles published by the Governance Institute.

The ideas of the ERGO-network is a major part of Governance and is therefore part of the name.